Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Preparation Phase

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  • General Instructions
  • Release left hand, while the right hand is still holding onto the racket. Recognize that the ball is going to your forehand side. Balance yourself in a sideway stance as you begin to position yourself for the stroke. Let go with your non-dominant hand. Keep this hand in front of you for balance. Your dominant hand will move back and lower. Racket is now pointed away from your intended target, and it should be about waist height. Dominant hand is fairly straight but not locked. Dominant leg is moved behind while the left leg is forward. Knees are slightly bent with some weight shifted to the rear foot.

  • (Non-dominant hand)
  • Levator scapulae elevates the scapula so that your non-dominant hand out in front of you guides the ball your recieving, while the rhomboids angles the scapula upward while the trapezius are being fired helping your non-dominant, guiding arm up
  • (Dominant hand- Holding racket)
  • Adduction of the trapezius middle, upper and lower fibers as well as the rhomboids during backward movement toward the midline of the body; Scapula goes back toward the spine during retraction of the shoulder girdle. Downward rotation of the rhomboids which hold the scapula against the thoracic wall, rotating the scapula medially and downward which is the point you are holding the racket back getting ready to accelerate.
  • Flex your left shoulder joint by isometrically contracting the anterior deltoid and pectoralis major muscles. Externally rotate and extend your right shoulder joint by concentrically extending your deltoid, pectoralis major teres major, latissmus dorsi and infraspinatus. Abduction of both shoulder joints by concentrically contracting your supraspinatus, deltoid, and upper pectoralis major muscles.
  • Extend your right (or dominant arm) elbow joint by eccentrically contracting your triceps brachii lateral, long and medial head.
  • Externally rotate while diagnally abducting the right hip joint by concentrically contracting your [hip external rotators] -gluteus maximus, piriformis, gamellus superior and inferior, obtuator externus and internus, and quadratus femoris... And concentrically contracting you [hip abductors] gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembanosus.
  • Internally rotate the left hip joint by concentrically contracting your gracilis, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus.
  • Extend the right knee by eccentrically contracting your vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, rectus femoris, and vastus lateralis. Flex your left knee slightly by concentrically contracting your semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris,  and gastrocnemius.

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